Sunday, August 9, 2015

Updated Metal Tub

Hey everyone! This is just a short quick post showing how I updated a metal tub (salvaged from my Nana-in-law's junk pile) and with a few coats of spray paint, transformed it into a semi-new bucket:)

My husband rescued this bucket for me knowing that it was something I would love to re-do... he was totally right! Obviously the pink would have to go and there were some rust issues and dents that would have to be addressed, but nothing I wasn't up for :) My little wanted to use the mallet, so all credit for getting out the dents (or most of them) go to her. After (once again) raiding my supply of spray paint, I decided on a two-toned look for this tub. I took a couple of coats on both the inside and the outside, but in all it turned out really nice!

I didn't bother with taping the edges of anything and even though you can't see it, there is some gray spray paint freckles on the blue, but it is so discreet that it almost looks like a shimmer in the blue color:) Thank goodness for that! Right now, this holds supplies and such in the back of my car, but I might have other uses for it in the future. Bye for now!!!

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