Saturday, June 27, 2015

Happy Signs

So I know that Mother's Day was like forever ago, but this craft was actually something that I came up with on my own (shocker, I know!) Since I don't have an original post to link this craft to, I will just give you some simple directions on how I did it and how you can do one too :)

For some people it is Target, for me it's Walmart. Sad to admit sometimes, but it's true. During the after Easter sale, I found this cardboard sign in the clearance aisle for on .25 each and couldn't really pass it up. I had originally planned to print out pictures of my mom and MIL with my daughter and me, but I didn't get a chance to do that (maybe I will try again someday). Instead, I found some scrapbook paper that I wasn't using and decided to use that.

This is where trial and error came into play: for the first sign I used Mod-Podge to glue the sign on first and then decided to paint it white afterwards (plus, I forgot to take pictures of the process). This made it kind of hard to avoid painting on the scrapbook paper. So on the second one, I cut out the whole outline of the sign FIRST, and then after I painted the top, bottom, back and inside of the letters, I applied the print.

I put two coats of white paint on it, but I am sure the possibilities are endless for how to decorate these signs. This is the end result of the first one I did:

They both turned out amazing! Even though I gave these as Mother's Day gifts, you can totally make them for any occasion and if done right, can stay up all year round :)

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